
When will the time come, when i wouldn't have to ask myself, why is this happening to me. When will the time come, when the monnotony of every day will stop stabbing my heart like a dagger. Every day seems the same to me. I don't have the need to know, what lies behind this curtain of the night. 

The world seems to me like a carousel, from which i cannot escape. It keeps spinning, so much is happening around me but i feel like freezed in time. My heart hurts and my soul ache for myself. Oh, the self-pity, what an awful human characteristic. 

The question is, my Dear reader, why can't we pity ourselves? Why is self-pity such a conviction worthy of an act. We are human beings, we feel for others, but what about the pity for ourselves? We too are worthy of saying the pity, we feel for ourselves, out loud, even when it would sound like the worst of the words to others. We live life once, its expected to not to be perfect. Why is then self-pity viewed as negative? Is it weakness we can't show? Is the self pity worth of such negativity when showed? 

You need to stay strong. You cant pity yourself. But where is the limit, when we can collapse like fragile, feather like house of cards, sit with ourselves and admit yourself that you have it hard too, even unbearable. This weight on heart should no human bear alone. If we say our pity on our own misfortune, we shouldn't meet with words of how others have it hard, and that's why our misfortune doesn't have a value, or it does but with each this statement it lowers. How long would we keep pushing ourselves to hide this weight, smile and pretend it never existed.

Take a minute to admit it, if you have a hard time or not. Admit that your life is not easy, that you don't have it easy and its eating you alive. Put that weight aside and admit that you are worth of pity, as everyone else. But not because you are weak, my Dear reader, but because you are a human.
